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Home decor in the gardening sectionHome decor in the gardening section

Hey all! Hello FRIDAY! I’m SO HAPPY the weekend is here. :) And we have a huge snowstorm coming too – I’ve just given up and decided I’ll just enjoy being snowed in for a few more days. Spring will come eventually…I think. I think I’ve taken approximately 25 trips to hardware stores in the past we…

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Storage in the closet!Storage in the closet!

HEY everybody! Man, I’ve been busy. I’ve been working on a master bedroom project and the master closet for the past week or so and it’s all coming together really well. My body is screaming uncle but I’m so excited about the progress. :) I wanted to give you an update on the closet redo I’m workin…

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Una casa victoriana al oeste de Londres, es donde establecemos nuestra parada hoy. En ella el propietario ha dejado algunos antiguos ladrillos como recuerdo del pasado del edificio, como es el caso de la antigua chimenea. Muchas piezas interesantes que se mezclan con otras de arte y mucho color comp…

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Adding color to your gardenAdding color to your garden

Hi Everyone Happy Tuesday♥With temperatures in the 70's here in Californiait has been so warm and beautiful all the plants outside  think it is already SpringPansies in the front yardare a tradition this time of yearthey add beautiful colorThe pansies get placed into vintage galvanizedpitchers, wate…

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My sister’s blogMy sister’s blog

Hello and how are ya? I’m knee deep in a bunch of projects in the house – after I showed you the new floors in the master yesterday I went in and tore all the door casings down to do my DIY craftsman trim in there. What the heck -- the house is already a disaster right now, why not add to it? So to…

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Hardwood floors in the bedroomHardwood floors in the bedroom

Hello my friends! Welcome to another (cold!) week! Hope you had a great weekend – my husband was out of town and I had finally recovered from the stomach flu, so my boy and I went out and took advantage of our beautiful weather here on Saturday. We did our Indy children’s museum, the zoo and the sta…

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Este loft es una autentica maravilla, con una acertada mezcla de vintage industrial y piezasde diseño.  Sus propietarios, una pareja de diseñadores gráficos de Chicago viven en el desde hace poquito tiempo. Es un espacio compartido, ya que en el se vive y se trabaja, así que el espacio alberga mucho…

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