Hello and happy Halloween! I hope your forecast is better than ours! We’ll be heading out after school to get the kiddo some new long underwear for this evening. It may be a quick trip around the neighborhood tonight! :) Thank you SO much for the love on our family room, not only here but on Instag…
Family room reveal!
OK. I’m done. I can’t even believe it!! The family room expansion/renovation is DONE. GoodNESS, I worked my butt off on this room! I will go into a bigger background recap later, but long story short is that we wanted to add on to the back of our house, decided against it when we got the quotes (cho…

Este apartamento de Greenwich Village, reformado recientemente es una hermosa mezcla de moderno y tradicional. Me encanta la magnífica cocina, con la espectacular encimera de mármol, las llamativas lamparas de cobre martillado y suelos negros ....y en general líneas limpias y una sensibilidad moder…
Black and brass
Welcome to a new week my friends! Hope you had a lovely weekend! Yesterday I finished up the last DIY project for the family room – I think I keep saying everything is the “last” project and then I realize I have another one. For for real – this is it. We’ve been able to rework most of what was in…