Hi Everyone Happy Friday♥This year we havethe best crop of apples we have ever hadNot only do we have a very large crop the apples are already amazingly ripe, sweet and deliciousThis is probably due to the unusually warm weather we have had inApril and Mayhere in Southern CaliforniaThe apples are …
My favorite projects

Hello and happy Friday! It’s the unofficial start of summer for us – I’ve never been so ready! I can’t believe it’s the end of May already – time is passing by so fast. Fall will be here before we know it. (If you saw my FB or Instagram this week you know Hobby Lobby already thinks it’s here.) ;) …
Two ingredient scrubs
Well hello all! Are your kids almost done with school? We’re done tomorrow – whoot! I am SO grateful we didn’t have to go an extra week this summer with all the snow days we had this winter. Most of our school systems nearby added some time onto each day to avoid that. Today I’m gathering some goo…
Outdoor living
Hey hey! Hope you had a WONDERFUL holiday weekend! You can tell summer is approaching in this household – it’s getting harder and harder for us to get up in the mornings and my posts are getting later and later. ;) This weekend was just gorgeous and I’m just so thrilled to have nice weather again!…

Empezamos la semana metiéndonos en la una casa muy interesante. El espacio es un reflejo de cómo los diferentes estilos se complementan entre sí . Las líneas de la casa son más modernas , mientras que los muebles y accesorios, cosas que la pareja propietaria ha recogido durante los años, añaden un a…