Hello everybody! It is beautiful outside and I’m SO excited about the project I finished up this weekend! I’ve been planning it for some time now and I finally bit the bullet and got it done over Saturday and Sunday. This one was all about the long wall behind our bed in the master. It’s looked li…

Así es esta casa en Estocolmo de techos altos y que a pesar de su reciente modernidad conserva detalles de su origen que la hacen realmente encantadora.Todas las estancias son realmente acogedoras y elegantes, pero son sin duda el salón y la cocina los dos espacios mas interesantes de esta casa, muy…
Showing off Michelle!
Hello and happy Friday! It’s spring break for us as well, whoot! It’s actually warming up just a bit, right on time. I’m looking forward to spending time with my boys and perhaps working outside a little. We’ll see about that last bit. :) I’m highlighting another fabulous blogger today, this time …
The family room sectional
First of all, THANKS for all the thoughts on the bathroom ideas I shared earlier this week! Many of you with multiple kids mentioned our type of bathroom is a Godsend, which I can totally get. And I was so excited so many of you mentioned the solar tube skylights – I’ve been wanting to put those in …

Después de varios días sin actualizar con la salida de la revista y con todo el lío del Singulares Inventory Room, hoy me apetecía retomar el blog con algo muy fresco. Sin duda este espacio que os muestro hoy es ideal por eso.De apariencia ecléctica, el esquema de color negro, blanco y verde funcion…
The room you’ve never seen
Dun dun dunnnnn. That sounded a bit ominous right? I shared a bit of of this space back when I showed you how to switch out your door knobs but other than that I don’t think it’s a room I’ve ever shown on the blog. Mainly because I’ve hardly touched it for years now. But I’ve been planning some b…