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Quick and easy HalloweenQuick and easy Halloween

Hello all and happy Halloween! We’re expecting heavy storms tonight so Halloween has been moved to tomorrow night throughout much of Indiana. Have you ever heard of such a thing – Halloween moved? I’m glad they’ll still get to trick or treat but it better rain like heck tonight. ;) I don’t know wh…

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Diwali vignettes Rang Decor style....Diwali vignettes Rang Decor style....

Just few frames of how I will be decorating our humble abode this Diwali. My colour palette seems to be gravitating more towards whites, creams, violet and silver.Mercury votives add the sparkle to the festival of lights... Vintage finds and traditional silverware makes interesting combinations. Flo…

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Indie Vintage MarketplaceIndie Vintage Marketplace

Hey all! I’ve got a sick boy at home today so I’m keeping it short and sweet today! :) If you’re local and are looking for some FUN shopping and unique finds, a fantastic event is happening this weekend and I can promise you’ll find both there! The Indie Vintage Marketplace is having their first…

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Un dormitorio de tonos neutros, que se ve reforzado por esta elegante mesa dorada que tanto puede servir de escritorio, tocador o incluso mesilla de noche.  Una equilibrada composición que sin duda resulta muy apetecible y de lo mas agradable.Imágenes: Dustjacket Attic…

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Pinch a little...Pinch a little...

I am referring to a technique used in pottery called pinching. It's a super simple way of making a clay pot. Here is a link to how you can make a pinch pot.Recently we made it in my pottery class with coloured porcelain clay.So I thought for this Diwali why not make pinch pot tea light holders? I re…

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Spray painting door knobsSpray painting door knobs

Hey hey all! Well thank you for the kind words yesterday! :) We are very excited. I’m back with a DIY project I’ve been wanting to tackle for a long time. I mentioned a while back that my house had been finally been debrassified, but I was wrong. I had forgotten about a couple knobs in the house. …

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L@s que me seguís de hace tiempo ya sabéis de mi total pasión por los baños grandes y con bañera exenta, de aspecto desgastado si puede ser y con patas de hierro, aunque reconozco que también las hay modernas y muy bonitas. Este tipo de bañeras deberían de ser de uso obligatorio y en cada casa tendr…

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