Some more greens...Some more greens...

In response to my post on 'Little plants in containers...' one of Rang Decor's readers Nivedita Kari shares her collection of plants.Here are some plants on her kitchen counter that she keeps changingIt's always great to hear from readers and it's lovely when they share their ideas with us.This pot …

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Rakhi Janardhan of Canvas Incorporated presents Myriad - a premier exhibition, showcasing the works of various artists from different parts of India at Alliance Francaise, Bangalore on the 14th and 15th of November, 2009 from 9 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.Canvas Inc. provides a platform for students of art and…

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Little plants in containers...Little plants in containers...

It's been a while since there has been some action here on 'Rang Decor', so today let me make a start:-)This post is in response to a query by one of Rang Decor's readers about plants in containers.I love plants. I love plants that I can bring into my rooms and that enlivens each and every corner.Ra…

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