Art & Crafts of India #5: Madhubani PaintingsArt & Crafts of India #5: Madhubani Paintings

'Madhubani' is one of my favourite arts from IndiaWould have covered this art sometime in the future, but on the suggestion of 'Rang Decor' reader Nivedita I decided to feature it today :-)Madhubani Painting also known as Mithila Painting. Legend has it that King Janak of Mithila in Bihar commission…

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Sangolda, GoaSangolda, Goa

Sangolda in Goa is a 200 year old portuguese mansion owned by Claudia, a German Fashion Stylist and her Mumbai-bred husband Hari Ajwani.This mansion houses hand-picked exquisite pieces sourced from Gujarat, Rajastha & Kerala in India as well as abroad.Antique wooden furniture in colonial & ethnic st…

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Art & Crafts of India #4: Stone Sculptures of MahabalipuramArt & Crafts of India #4: Stone Sculptures of Mahabalipuram

When I think of 'Stone Sculptures' the first image that comes to mind is the amazing granite stone sculptures of Mahabalipuram, near Chennai in Tamil Nadu.There are various styles of stone sculptures in India but today I would like to share the absolutely stunning 'Pallava Style' sculptures from Mah…

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The rustic charm of a restored 'Haveli'The rustic charm of a restored 'Haveli'

Restoration noun-The act of making new or as if new again.This word brings immense happiness to my heart, whether it is rescuing the old door from a demolished Chettinad mansion and giving it a place in our living room or giving a new lease of life to antique dowry chest picked up from the bylanes o…

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Radha & KrishnaRadha & Krishna

I have just not been able to get these surreal images of Radha & Krishna out of my mind... KrishnaRadhaThese are tempera on canvas by Kolkata based artist Bratin Khan. I can only imagine the beauty these paintings would bring to the space where they are placed.(images from…

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Art & Crafts of India #3: Tanjore PaintingArt & Crafts of India #3: Tanjore Painting

Thanjavur Oviyam or Tanjore Painting is one of my favourite Art of India. The rich gold, semi-precious stones decorated paintings of mostly Gods & Goddesses can brighten up any room.(Details on the frames of one of the Tanjore Paintings)It is one of the ancient forms of painting from South India. It…

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